Initial State for Particles?

Hi folks!

I’ve got a quick question (or actually two):
1.) Is there a way to save something like an “initial state” to a particle system? I have a star field and would like to have it “right away” after the start instead of waiting for the first stars to fly by.

2.) I had the idea of speeding up the particle speed very high for a fraction of a second and slow it down again but wasn’t able to find the right value to tweak. Everything I found was the initial velocity, but changing that back down to the desired value didn’t help because the particles with the new and correct velocity will then need again so much time to pass by. So is there a way to speed things up and slow them down again globally, not only for new particles?

Thanks in advance for any hint. 8)

You can set the position of particles via an array, but what I did for this situation was set Time.timeScale = 99 then wait a few seconds or so of game time (which amounts to a fraction of a second in real time).


Thanks, that helped me. I appreciate it.

sorry to dig up an old thread but im struggling with this myself and im not sure what you meant. can you please give an example

I switched to ParticleEmitter.Simulate once I read that, rather than trying, for example, “Simulate(20)” (which doesn’t really work), you loop “Simulate(1)” 20 times instead.


thats the one thank you :smile: