Injust moderation practices

Since this received zero responses before this is being put somewhere it will be seen.

How to begin…?

It appears to me that I have become a target subject to special treatment and double standards because I don’t agree with the rest of you.

We get obnoxious ArowX threads about off-topic nonsense, those get to go on unlocked for a time and remain in existence. Yet when I create a potentially controversial (gasp! controversy, we can’t have that on these boards!) moderators go and delete the thread I worked very hard to create. I made every god damn effort to create a civil discussion and still this happens.

People who will go unnamed go ahead and taunt me with responses like “Its not like moderators will do anything for you” when I mention the prospect of reporting a character assassination, which I let pass.

I was once on the Unity discord in recent months. Accusations of aggression, argumentativeness, and antagonizing ensue because of a simple name change expressing my point of view which other members had been permitted to do. If you look back at those posts, you’ll see none of these things on my part, other than certain parties picking a fight with me because they disagree. Ultimately it results in a F***ing ban with no explanation (other than the obvious implication: different points of view are not permitted at Unity or any related discussion board, way to go diversity!).

You guys do not deserve to be moderators because you are not neutral*.*
I have been every bit fair and respectful to you, but you continue to do just the opposite toward me.


edit: oh lmao, you were that nerd with the NPC meme avatar, weren’t you

I really don’t know what’s going on, because I didn’t see your thread or I just ignored it because it was nonsense. But what you have described here tells everything. Maybe ArrowX’s threads are sometimes outright crazy, they are still somewhat relevant (and they frequently get closed), they aren’t “controversial”. If yours were, then I wouldn’t be surprised that it gets closed. These forums generally are about game development. Specifically in Unity.
Everything else is technically off-topic here and is not encouraged. The fact that we have some general topics which loosely connect to game design and development is an extra.
Opening a thread and talking civilized in it is not “very hard work”. It’s the default, the norm. I know, sometimes it hurts to see your thread to get closed, but you will get used to it after a while. If you don’t like it, go to Reddit or something, open a thread on it, if people are interested in your controversial topic, they will show up to discuss with you.


hippo and the other guy is a bit strange moderators, very true :smile: Like all the nonse threads hippos creates. But he locks my business relevant ones like the gfx job one a while back


If someone picks a fight with you, don’t attack them back. Just ignore them. If you escalate things, then yes, you’ll get banned. That’s how it works. Report their behavior and then don’t respond.


I haven’t seen any of your topics.
Nor I read what is on discord, as mostly is pail of garbage, hard to filter.

But if created discussions follow general forum rules, they stay open, for as long, don’t cause aggravation from one to others.

OP may not be realizing, but generated responses may be provocative, which generate unwanted content. I don’t know, since I haven’t seen any of.

But general section of forum indeed allows quite slack, for discussions, as long somehow are connected to game dev.

Other than that, agree what @ wrote

Edit: During all time I have been here maybe only one, or 2 threads of mine were deleted. More likely got 0 responses, if question is too specific, or too technical. I had number of post removed, as was part of arguments. Which is fair enough. Sometimes may be difficult, see where things go astray, when trying throw own point of view. Or sometimes let steam loose. Letting go, may be a good way, to stay healthy. :slight_smile:
So far I didn’t managed to get ban. Yet :stuck_out_tongue:

He locked this one, Quiet about Graphics jobs

I even have a case number that was his rason to close it.

As a paying customer you get frustrated with thes hobbyist moderators. It should only be official Unity employees doing moderation on a business related forum like this. Hobbyists have no business doing it

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I’m not a mod and I’m locking this thread :smile:


Is rather off topic, but you were asked about reporting bug, yet decided to talk about it, ignoring using official tools, to support the issue. It could be predicted, were that discussion was heading. Let it go.

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Threads are closed or deleted for a variety of reasons, civility (or lack thereof) is only one possible reason. The role of moderators isn’t to be neutral parties. Their role is to police the forum on behalf of Unity. This isn’t Discord. The ability to post on the forum, including the content posted, is at the discretion of Unity and those Unity delegates that responsibility to (generally the moderators), as Unity sees fit.

Can’t deal with rules or perceived arbitrary enforcement, start your own forum. This forum is Unity’s house, Unity’s rules.


Moderators are people too. Nobody is an emotionless robot. As far as the moderators here go, I think they are pretty exemplary. I mean, if it was me in charage, it’d be like the wild west. I’d be shooting anybody who looked at me the wrong way in the face.

Work with them, not against them. If you can’t manage staying on like two peoples good side, how will you manage your target audience? Got to level up the people skills.


Arowx is tolerated because some of his discussions have had merit in the past, and the only reason some of the off-topic ones go unlocked for a period of time is because the moderators are volunteers working normal dev jobs and can’t police one section of the forums non-stop when there are many sections to this forum.

Edit: He doesn’t just get away with it completely either. He has had warnings and been temp banned at least once. Cases are handled behind the scenes unannounced. Just because he looks like he’s getting away with it doesn’t mean he is.

I’m going to need some examples (just a summary of the topic) because despite spending entirely too long reading these forums I simply can’t remember who you are. If this isn’t your original name or your original avatar that’s most likely why.

Edit: Nevermind. You’re Braineeee. Thank you forum system for keeping the original name in a quote .


Without any proof, what exactly do you expect to happen here?

Closing :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s more than two. :wink: (More than three, for that matter.) And yes, I’m closing this, since it’s mostly complaining about Discord, which has nothing to do with the forums, a repeat (duplicate topics aren’t allowed; if you posted in in the wrong place, use the report button to request that it be moved), and too personal. I found a deleted topic from last week, which yeah, I would have closed too: way off-topic, even compared to Arowx nonsense, and seemed to be a personal vendetta against someone.

You have other topics which aren’t closed, so stick to things like that which are on-topic and not personal. It’s not possible to have moderation which is met with 100% approval from 100% of the users, and different moderators have different tolerances (though we’re mostly in agreement), so while we attempt to be as fair and consistent as possible, you’re going to have to accept that occasionally some decisions are made that you won’t agree with. Note the community rules: “3. All moderator decisions are final.” I don’t think any of us sit here and read everything in the forums, so if you see stuff that’s inappropriate and not closed/deleted, it’s because we didn’t. The “report” button is there for a reason.

Actually no, we can’t. It results in bad feelings, fighting, people getting banned, and gets in the way of this being strictly a development forum. There are plenty of other places to go if you want to fight with people.
