Inpector UI Issue with Serialized Arrays

Hi, I just updated my Unity project to 2021.3.4f1 and now have a problematic bug. My Inspector fields are behind the “Add Component” button and cannot be clicked (I guess because they’re behind another layer).

Here’s the Script

using UnityEngine;

public class GenerationSettings
    [Header("World Generation Descriptors")]
    //world generation descriptors
    public string planetDescriptionFileName;
    public Material material;

    [Header("Render Detail Settings")]
    //Render detail settings
    public int chunkProcessQueueSize = 1000;
    public float maximumRenderDistance = 1000;
    public int baseChunkSize = 64;
    public float baseChunkResolution = 2;
    public int chunkCountBeforeScale = 2;

    [Header("CPU GPU Balance")]
    //cpu gpu balance
    public bool getMaterialLodOnGpu = false;
    public int switchToGpuLodAtCellCount = 100;
    public bool filterCellsAndComputeVertexNormalOnGpu = false;

    [Header("Mesh Assignment")]
    //Settings for how quickly new meshes are allocated to be rendered to the gpu
    public int meshDataArrayMaxSize;

    [Header("Runtime Controls")]
    //runtime controls
    public bool updateChunks = true;
    public bool renderSeams = true;

public class PlanetsGenerationSettings : MonoBehaviour
    [Header("Compute Shader for checking Material Booleans")]
    public ComputeShader ChunkMaterialsShader;
    [Header("UI Prefabs for Generation Status")]
    public GameObject PlanetGenInfoUIPrefab;
    public bool chunkSizePositionBoxes;
    [Header("Worlds to Create at Runtime")]
    public GenerationSettings[] planetsSettings;

Not sure how to get around this, lol, but it’s driving me crazy. I even tried and Editor script but still encountered the same issue. Any thoughts?


I’m having the same issue. And the worst thing - I can expand only the first array, the next ones cannot be opened. Oh, again need to downgrade… Looks like it will not be resolved.

had this very same problem, you can ‘fix’ this by making your arrays nonreorderable. Obviously they can’t be reordered when you do that, but you can properly view them again.


Good to know Unity 2021.3.2.f1 works without the issue (Unity 2021.3.3.f1 and Unity 2021.3.4.f1 have the issue)

Wow, thank you for the super simple ‘fix’.

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Thank you Vampsz. I’d totally change unity versions to get around this, but I’m using dots so I’m locked in for now XD.