Input.GetMouseButtonDown() slow on mobile

I’m making a game that requires a lot of screen tapping, done very quickly. I noticed the game works fine in editor but, when I test on mobile, it slows down.

So, what is my problem exactly? When I’m tapping with 2 fingers, never at the same time but very quickly, it seems as if there is a bit of input lag. For each tap, my character sprite changes but, you can tell sometimes it takes a second to update the sprite and score. Works great in editor though.

I’m really hoping there is a way to fix this because otherwise, I’ll need to switch to an engine that can handle the amount of tapping needed.

Here is my code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class GameController : MonoBehaviour
    public Sprite jim1; // Char sprite 1
    public Sprite jim2; // Char sprite 2
    public int touchCount; // Amount of touches
    public int colorTimer;
    public GameObject cameraParent; // Camera Parent
    public GameObject spaceBackground;
    public SpriteRenderer sr; // Char sprite renderer
    public Material spaceMaterial;
    public Text scoreText; // Score text
    public Text timerText; // Timer text

    private bool canTap; // self explanatory
    private float timer; // Countdown timer
    private Color ranColor; // Random color
    private Color spaceColor;  // Random space color

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        timer = 60f; // Game timer
        colorTimer = 30; // Color timer for the space background
        touchCount = 0; // Setting touchcount to 0
        sr = gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); // Getting the sprite renderer and storing it in a variable
        spaceMaterial = spaceBackground.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material; // Getting the mesh renderer material and storing it in a variable
        scoreText.GetComponent<Text>(); // Getting the text componet
        canTap = true;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        if (timer >= 0f) // If time is still remaining, count down
            timer -= Time.deltaTime; // Taking 1 away every second
        else {
            timer = 0f; // If there is no time remaining, set the timer to 0
            canTap = false;

        timerText.text = Mathf.RoundToInt(timer).ToString(); // Rounding the float and then setting the timerText text value to the timers value

        if (touchCount % 2 == 0) // Checking if touchcount is even or odd. If even, the sprite will be set to jim1.
            sr.sprite = jim1;
        else {
            sr.sprite = jim2;

        if (touchCount >= 50)
            cameraParent.transform.position = Random.insideUnitSphere * 0.1f; // screenshake baby

        if (touchCount >= 200)
            transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * 150);

        if (touchCount >= 250) {
            gameObject.GetComponent<Animation>().enabled = true;

        if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began && canTap) // Getting screen touches and setting to score
            touchCount++; // adding to the touchcount
            scoreText.text = touchCount.ToString();

        if (touchCount > 100)
            colorTimer -= 1; // Take away 1 every frame
            if (colorTimer <= 0)
                ranColor = new Color(Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f)); // Making a new color using random values
                sr.color = ranColor; // setting the sprites color to the random color
                spaceColor = new Color(Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f), 1f); // Taking the random color and making it negitive
                colorTimer = 30; // Resetting the timer
                spaceMaterial.color = spaceColor;


I think the best way to describe my issue would be, it feels like a few frames are being skipped every 7 taps or so. So, for example, each time I tap my sprite changes but, on that 7th tap, the sprite doesn’t change.

You should not use the mouse functions on mobile platforms.

Use the touch functions of the input class.

First of all, as said by @fffMalzbier, don’t use mouse functions on mobile, there should be a warning about that in the Editor when you build.

Second, the touches are processed once per frame.

Third, there’s a profiler built in, which can shed some light on why you are experiencing lag.

Hi @Sokaz Games
I also have had the same problem and everything is very fine using touches.
Also when quickly tapping on the screen unity throws right mouse button down event instead of left mouse button.