Input.GetRotation and Input.GetPosition on Unity 3.5

So I downloaded Unity 3.5 Dev Preview, and it turns out these 2 undocumented functions have been deprecated, and the message that appears is “use ps3 move API instead”.

I have 2 questions :

  1. Is there a replacement function for this? Something i can use in place of these?
  2. What is the PS3 move api? Is there any documentation for that?

I had the same problem. Just to see if I could get away with it, I made these changes and got the project to compile and run properly. I’m not sure if it will be useful in all cases, though.

/// simply called the regular input
/// @param deviceID see Input reference
/// @return see Input reference
public Quaternion GetRotation(int deviceID)
  //        return Input.GetRotation(deviceID);
	return Quaternion.Euler(;

/// simply called the regular input
/// @param deviceID see Input reference
/// @return see Input reference
public Vector3 GetPosition(int deviceID)
  //        return Input.GetPosition(deviceID);

I have asked the same question at the official forums of OpenNI community.
The answer that I have received there offers to remove both methods from the NIIput.cs file.