Input lag when game is built.

When I am in the Editor, I can move and jump perfeclty fine with no lag whatsoever. However, once I pressed build and run, there is a slight input lag from my keyboard, possibly about 300 milliseconds. This lag is noticeable and can affect the player’s experience. Can somebody help me with this issue?

Not without more info.

300 milliseconds is a lot. Thats 10 or 20 frames. Have you measured it?

What platform?
What system specs?
What build settings?
What frame rate does the game run at?
How is your input implemented? (In Update, FixedUpdate…?)
What input system are you using? (The old built in one, the new Input System package, a 3rd party one…?)
Can you give an example of how one of your controls is set up in that system?

P.S: This is the wrong section. General Discussion is specifically not a support area, so you should move this to Scripting or something like that.