Input Manager Groups please :P


Can Unity consider adding a groups option to input manager please, so I can have one Unity input manager per platform. Please, because now with Apple controller support, its quickly becoming very unwieldy.

For example you have a desktop game, and the end user can redefine keys before they play, but this is cluttered to death with android, apple, windows, mac etc controls - and its just not usable at all. Forces us to do silly things like manually replacing the .asset or not use the unity launcher option.

Don’t even get started on multiplayer.

It’s a bit silly and its easily solved by having groups, and its very un-cross platform friendly.

Input.SetGroup(“My iOS Group”); would work fine, and also being able to set a default group in build settings for say, desktops would be nice as well.

I’d just be happy with being able to use an input set from one project to the next. No reason to recreate all of the same controlls over and over and over again. (unless I’m missing something)

You can indeed copy the input settings from one project to the next, though it’s not documented. The OUYA folks have a partially pre-configured input manager file that they recommend people use.

It’s not ideal, though. as there’s no built-in way to nicely merge it. One immediate downside to this is that if you use any plugin with pre-configured input settings it’ll just overwrite whatever you have. This may be manageable with diff/merge tools, but that’s a very un-Unity way of doing things.

The idea of groups is a great one that could solve a fair few immediate issues.

The other thing that would be super handy is the ability to modify the input config at runtime. One of Unity’s more major drawbacks for big game projects is that you essentially need to work around the built-in input system if you want to give the user any kind of control. (And that guy does not only that, but also adds a bunch of other simple but super handy features, like having sprites associated with inputs.)

How is support for multiple joysticks/gamepads now? When last I used it (3 to 4 years ago) I had a lot of difficulty distinguishing between multiple joysticks. Was that just something we were doing and/or have things improved?

An alternative would be to contribute the iPhone controller mapping profiles to InControl: GitHub - pbhogan/InControl: An input manager for Unity that tames the cross-platform controller beast.

I wasn’t aware of InControl - it seems like a nice asset (but doesn’t really solve the built in unity launcher problem, but perhaps thats something that should die anyway).

Hell yeah… that looks awesome.

The OUYA guys are trying to do something like this of their own, but this looks far nicer. Having read the feature list I’m sold on it and will almost certainly give it a go in my current project.