I searched through the scripting reference, and did a google search, and didn’t find anything on this.
Pretty much, I’ve been working on a fairly simple dialog engine, and it works fine in pc form, but on android form it skips some of the boxes. I know what the issue is because it was happening like that for the PC version of the script. Pretty much I’m checking on the release/ended event, then going to the next text bubble script. Problem is, the next script is activated in the same update loop, so it sees the mouse/key/touch up even for the whole string of text boxes.
I solved this little issue using resetinputaxes for the pc version, but I haven’t found any equivalent for android/touch. Any ideas?
What I do is I just save the vector when I want to reset the input axis to zero. Then I subtract that vector from the new input data and then I have the corrected input.
Edited the code from the reference manual to show this:
I’m not really using the reset input axes to reset “axes” at all… I’m using it to clear the input buffer for anything (mouse clicks, keyboard presses) because I know that the input is done, and it needs to stop going into the game loop.
I think what I may do is just add a second boolean in that is a private boolean, and when the activation function is called, set that boolean to true, then check at the end of late update to see if it’s set, and if so, set the true active to true. Round about way to do it, but I guess clearing the keyboard/mouse buffer when other scripts may need it down the game loop could be a bad idea, an this way would get rid of that.
Oh sorry i totally misread that. Unfortunately my harddrive quit so I can’t really look at stuff to help. I’m posting from my Android.
Aren’t the touches allready given to you in an array? You could save that array and all the keypress data to your own array then write functions to return the data and reset it in your array. Bit of work but I think it should work. I can’t test it though and I might still be missing something.