Input System 1.0.0 XR Support

Hi, I’ve used the new Input System on many projects and it works perfectly with all the devices I have used (Xbox One Controller, Ps4, Keyboard, Mouse). I wanted to try making a VR project using the new input system (with the Oculus Rift), but even though the Rift is listed under the XR devices, it does not detect any input from the device even though tracking works perfectly in the project. Am I missing a plug-in or something?

Also having an issue with detecting input while using the OpenVR SDK. Triggers are detected fine, but buttons are not (primaryButton/secondaryButton for generic XRController). When using Oculus SDK they detect correctly.

@StayTalm_Unity ^^^

@vheerdenjh @Iron-Warrior Overall, if you have the respective XR packages for your device installed (the various com.unity.xr… ones, e.g. com.unity.xr.oculus) yet you don’t see any input from the device in the new input system, feel free to file a bug with the Unity bug reporter.


Submitted issue, case 1196740.

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So I decided to dig a bit deeper into this today. For reference, I’m using a Rift CV1 (with CV1 touch controllers). While using OpenVR, the devices stored as the following (viewed using the debugger in VS):


So that’s pretty specific. The highest level XR controller the input system allows for is the generic XRController device, that has a variety of optional inputs, including a primary and secondary button. From testing: if you use the XRController primary/secondary buttons, no input is recorded. However, if you use the very specific…

RightHand XRInputV1::Oculus::OpenVRControllerOculusRiftCV1RightControllerRight

It does correctly surface the button presses (although primary and secondary are inverted compared to using the Oculus SDK). Note that none of this is an issue when using the Oculus SDK, which does support the generic XRController inputs.

I don’t think I can edit bug reports, but figured I’d post the info here anyways. I could prolly make a workaround to select the least generic device ( as discussed here ), but it looks like a case of some stuff just wired up wrong.

Got around to looking into this today, for anyone who stumbles on this thread, was able to make a fix.

Do you have any layout templates you can share? I’m nervous about using the new VR input system when what I have setup with legacy input works already on every headset we have tested.

Sadly not, since we’re still in the process of putting together support for all devices. So far we’ve just got Oculus Rift/Rift S done, with OVR support for them in the pipeline. Will have to test everything one by one :frowning:

That’s why I’m not bothering to do it myself, I spent long enough testing what I have on different headsets!

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