Input System 1.8.2 released

Hi ,

The Input Team would like to announce that Input System 1.8.2 has been released
This is the first bugfix release of the 1.8 version which was focused on bringing Project Wide Actions to you.
1.8. also includes a new Input Action Asset editor based in UITK.

Two important UI fixes included are:

  • The Event System is now correctly setup when using the Input System
  • UITK now works without a Project Wide Action asset being present in the project

More details about all the improvements and fixes in the package changelog.

Input system 1.8.2 is the recommended version for Unity 6 Preview which should be available shortly. We plan on doing at least one more bugfix release before we make 1.8 the recommended version for our LTS releases.


my custom interaction suddenly can’t work in unity 6 at this version
Error is [No IInputInteraction with name ‘XXX’ has been registered].
I thought the reason is InputSystem.RegisterInteraction was called too late.

[InitializeOnLoad] [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] not work.

code in this threads↓

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When did the color strip disappear and why? seems rather pointless and just makes every tutorial seemingly redundant the change doesn’t actually make it look or work any better.

still seems like a mess with things scattered… Input Debug found somewhere else and doesn’t actually just work at debugging in editor or allow you to test action maps in realtime while in editor to see resulting output

I dunno years in development and honestly bleh

Does that mean 2021.3 LTS may upgrade from 1.4.4 (the recommended version) to 1.8 in the future ?

You can already upgrade if you want to to try it out. But make sure to have a backup of your project before doing so.

Hi @Schubkraft ,

There is a bug which I reported using Report Bug but I do not think they will process it in the nearest 10 years.

I use OnScreenControls to implement on-screen gamepad (this is a mobile game in production, Gladiators: Survival in Rome) and there is a bug: releasing one touch and pressing another touch during single (!!!) frame does not produce OnPointerDown event in the UI system.

So if you release on-screen stick and in the same frame press on-screen button then on-screen button does not work because, I guess, InputSystemUIInputModule does not trigger a press event. Please let me know if you need more info on this.

My guess is that releasing and pressing again both modify the state of the same pointer (touch0) and this is not handled properly if occurs during one frame.

Do you have the ID of the case you submitted? Should be in the email the machine sends you after submission.


Thank you!

@Schubkraft I think I did managed to fix this issue by replacing the cache of control references m_PointerTouchControls with the cache of touch IDs (integers). Because when we release and then instantly press the control stays the same (touch0) and we do not want this.

I replaced block:

            var touchControlIndex = m_PointerTouchControls.IndexOfReference(controlParent);
            if (touchControlIndex != -1)
                // For touches, we cache a reference to the control of a pointer so that we don't
                // have to continuously do ReadValue() on the touch ID control.
                m_CurrentPointerId = m_PointerIds[touchControlIndex];
                m_CurrentPointerIndex = touchControlIndex;
                m_CurrentPointerType = UIPointerType.Touch;

                return touchControlIndex;

with the block:

            if (touchId != 0)
                for (var i = 0; i < m_TouchIds.length; i++)
                    if (m_TouchIds[i] == touchId)
                        m_CurrentPointerId = m_PointerIds[i];
                        m_CurrentPointerIndex = i;
                        m_CurrentPointerType = UIPointerType.Touch;
                        return i;

It is in the GetPointerStateIndexFor method.

The right click context menu seems to have disappeared along with the the new UITK based input action asset editor. Is that intentional? What’s the intended flow for deleting action maps, actions, or bindings?

Both sound like a bug, please do file a bug report via the editor and include the repro project.

I would like to know, is performance the only reason why input is polled async instead of being in sync with Update, or optionally FixedUpdate? The con with async approach is that it adds an additional polling interval to the potential input lag. Are there options to sync input polling with the beginning of a frame? If my understanding is correct, InputUpdateType only affects when those input events are processed, but not when they are polled.