I’ve been developing a local multiplayer game and I’m using Unity Input system in order to pair users with devices, using InputUser.onUnpairedDeviceUsed
It works fine in local (new devices are recognized) but the event is not triggered when a device is used while using Steam Remote Play (the host device is recognized but not the devices for the players that joined the session).
Thanks for your reply, I’ll do that. I encountered an other issue with onUnpairedDeviceUsed that I had to monkey patch (event listener still firing after stopping game in the editor), but I don’t know if this intended. Do you also want a bug report on this issue?
As you can see on the issue, Unity advises to use the legacy input system if you want it to be compatible with Steam Remote Play Together. It’s a shame but I guess that they do not have the manpower to deal with it, plus it seems that they would need to communicate with Valve on this, which may be a bit tricky.
I wish they would at least put a warning on the input system documentation so indie developers realize that their local multiplayer game is not working with remote play earlier than at the end of development when they test the steam integration, maybe if a unity developer stumbles into this thread, they could add this in their tasks log.