I am making a game where the mouse is only used as a secondary pointer device for menu navigation. Use of mouse is 0% necessary and is completely optional, but provided for UI convenience.
I am using the InputSystem package.
Whenever the mouse is moved, the current control scheme automatically changes from whatever is current to “Keyboard&Mouse”. I want to keep automatic control scheme switching based on keyboard/gamepad/joystick input, and I want the player to be able to use the mouse for UI input, but I want to remove the mouse from the automatic control scheme switching equation entirely.
How can I accomplish this?
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Figures that five minutes after I post this question I figured it out.
The key is not to remove the Mouse device from the Keyboard&Mouse scheme, but to ADD the Mouse device to all other schemes (i.e. Gamepad and Joystick schemes).
Editing the schemes themselves is not entirely straightforward:
- Open the Input Action Asset
- In the upper left uncaptioned dropdown, choose the control scheme you want to edit.
- Open the same dropdown again, and this time choose “Edit Control Scheme…”
- From there you can add the Mouse device to the Control Scheme. In my case I made it optional.
Once I did this, moving the mouse did not cause my Control Scheme to change. Oh Happy Day!
Thank you everyone for helping me “rubber duck” this one.