Input system not working correctly

I am have been struggling with this issue for a few hours now. For some reason when I create a simple script for input like the one attached it prompts “KeyDown” and “Key Up” simultaneously. I have checked the Input in the project settings to ensure ‘Active Input Handling’ is set to Both. My original project is suppose to use the new input system but I have come down to just test a simple script like this one using the legacy input system.

In the editor below the “Key Down” and “Key Up” are shown in the console. Before pressing the ‘space’ key, ‘Key Up’ is running continuously (this is expected). When I press the ‘space’ key, both “Key Down” and “Key Up” run continuously at the same time. I was gonna send a video but I can’t.

Here is the Project Settings:

The image shows the ‘Active Input Handling’ set to Both.

This project is not my game it is a fresh project with just a gameobject to attach the ‘Input Test’ script to. Does any one know what this issue could be?

Also, the Project type is Universal 3D. My actual game project is for Android. Either way this input doesn’t work for both legacy and the new input system. I also tested this with GetKeyDown and GetKeyUp and the same thing happens. Here is the code for that:

Both “Key Down” and “Key Up” are displayed to the console while the ‘Space’ bar is pressed.

Let me know if you need more information. I didn’t send the code I have using the new input system because this same glitch is no different when I use the new input actions system.