InputAction.GetBindingDisplayString returns different names for the same binding

I am working on a rebinding inputs feature for my project and I am using the RebindActionUI that comes with the Input System sample projects, and I am having a small issue:

When the gamepad scheme gets activated, the name that I receive from an action of a type Value and a control type Axis, with the binding Scroll/Y [Mouse] and with path /scroll/y, it’s different than with the keyboard scheme. With gamepad, the name is Scroll/Y and with keyboard, the name is Scroll Wheel.

Is this kind of a bug or an intented (and strange IMHO) behaviour?

edit: happens also with some gamepad button names, for example if the name contains a slash (for example RS/up), with the gamepad scheme the slash goes away, and with the keyboard it comes again…

edit2: another question, what would happen with non latin keyboard layouts? Would work the binding thing (and also the key name)?

edit3: another doubt that comes up now, is there a way to block any key from being binded? For example if I don’t want any input to be the Escape button. I am looking through the API but can’t find out a way to do that


For the blocking key thing, I just found out that I can use the WithControlsExcluding with a path to the binding, but here comes in the edit2 question, what happens with a different language keyboard?

Also, if I exclude the Escape, and I try to use it on a rebinding, what actually does is to set “Any Key”, any way to just cancel the rebinding? (for more info, I am getting the OnComplete callback called after trying to set an excluded binding, instead of the OnCancel)