InputDataVisualization: bug with multiple pinch

Hi! I am having an issue with input data in the ImputDataVisualization sample scene, where with a few action, you can have one hand control both touch. Here is my setup:

  • Unity 6000.0.23f
  • VisionOs/Polyspatial packages 2.0.4
  • Input system package 1.11.2
  • InputDataVisualisation scene
  • On device, VisionOS 2

Reproduction flow:

  • I pinch the sphere with my right hand: my right hand now controls Touch[0] data (EXPECTED)
  • I then pinch the sphere with my left hand, while still pinching with my right hand: my left hand now controls Touch[1] data (EXPECTED)
  • I release my right hand: my left hand now controls Touch[0] AND Touch[1] data (BUG)
  • I pinch again with my right hand: now both my hands control BOTH Touches, causing jumping between them (BUG)

Am I missing a project settings, or is the sample not up to date?


Thanks for the feedback and repro instructions! I was able to repro the issue, and you are not missing project settings; it seems like we have a possible bug in the samples project.

One of the bugs in that scene is that we bind the first InputActionReference to PrimarySpatialPointer, which has the property of always referring to the primary gesture (pinch in this case) being performed. In step 2 of your repro steps, PrimarySpatialPointer/Touch[0] will refer to the first pinch with your right hand, and SpatialPointer#1/Touch[1] will refer to the second pinch with your left hand.

When you let go of the right hand, PrimarySpatialPointer will roll over to refer to the second pinch, which is now the primary (and only) gesture, resulting in one hand controlling both objects.

In the PolySpatialInputAction asset in the samples project, you can change the first binding to SpatialPointer#1 instead, which will fix the bug described in the 3rd repro step.

As for the bug described in the 4th repro step, I’m still looking into that. Switching the asset didn’t fix the issue for me, and it’ll probably involve a deeper investigation.

At any rate, I’ll file a bug, sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for the report!