InputField Clear Text when Android Keybord's ok button pressed

Hi Guys.
I’m facing above problem on
SC-04F / Android 4.4.2
SCL23 / Android 4.4.2
SHL25 / Android 4.4.2
KYY21 / Android 4.2.2

with Unity4.6.3p3

Is this Unity bug?

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I have the same problem in 4.6.3p3.
But the problem disappears when using 4.6.1p4.
So I’m pretty sure it’s a Unity bug.

I just wanted to add another voice, because I’m also experiencing the issue. Has anyone reported the bug to Unity?

OK I sent a bug report.


Still not fixed in 4.6.4p1. Reported a bug too, case number 68607.

The InputField is such a mess, I wish they’d took a long hard look at it and fixed it properly. I’ve reported 100% reproducible bugs two months ago and nothing’s happening. :confused:

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4.6.4p2, still not fixed. Can’t update from 4.6.3f1 due to this.

Tested on Lenovo A3500-FL and OnePlus One.

Here is workaround while waiting: