Inputfield, Mobile Input and background color


I’ve strange issue with input field using mobile input on android 4.4.2, galaxy S4 (certainly more, but not with nexus 7 5.0.1).

Background color of native input text is black, such as text, so text is not visible. (see attached file)
I’ve tested with fresh simple input text, same issue. I’ve tested prefab in a new project, no problem background is white.

How can I change this background color ?

Builded with unity 4.6.5f1

No issue with 4.6.3p3 (Native input field looks really different)

I’m having the same issue. Were you able to resolve this?

No, found nothing. I think I’ll change all input to hide mobile input…

I suspect

  • (690199) - Android: Apply Holo or Material theme explicitly instead of DeviceDefault.
  • (685837) - Android: Apply user theme if set.

I don’t know if it’s possible to force DeviceDefault

We’ve fixed it by forcing theme in manifest (application tag)

You should file a bug, and mention those two theming related bugs. Clearly the theming change went sour for the input field.

already filed

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What specifically did you put in your manifest?

I tried adding android:theme=“@android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault” to my tag but the result was the same as it was by Unity default

EDIT: Use android:theme=“@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light” and it works
