Inputfields are children of a button inside a scrolllist
I’d like the button to highlight when the inputfield is clicked on
Is there a callback to detect if an inputfield was clicked (not changed or end edited)?
It’s very easy.
Add a script on the Field that eats up OnClick for breakfast like so
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class ClickSelect : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler {
public SessionButton button;
public void OnPointerClick (PointerEventData eventData)
button.Select ();
You can also do this without a script by adding an *Event Trigger *component to the input field and using the Pointer Click event
look at you go all fancy with inbuilt components
Are you saying that the EventTrigger performance has improved to the point that it should be used for single events?
As far as I was aware, EventTrigger (although simpler to use in the editor) shouldn’t be used unless you are using many events due to it polling/validating all events. For a single event, a single script is far better (imho)
Simon you’re saying the EvenTrigger component is a hog? I’ll keep my script until UT sheds some light on that.
EventTrigger implements ALL interfaces (one or two is probably fine, LOTS of ET’s in a scene could clog things up). Things may have improved but you are generally swapping performance for simplicity. If you are comfortable doing scripts, I always recommend using the interface handlers.
Happy to be corrected if things have improved.
Makes sense – doesn’t the c# compiler remove empty overrides?