Inputfield.shouldHideMobileInput not working for android.


I am looking for workaround to hide Text Field attached at the top of soft keyboard. I have used TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput, but it only works for IOS, not android.

I have read below unity documentation and found that it is not supporting android Unity - Scripting API: TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput


I don’t know of any way in Unity to do that. It needs to be supported by the OS- if there’s no way to hide the input section of the keyboard in the Android API, like there is for iOS, then there’s nothing Unity can do to change that. You’ll be better off checking the Android API site to see if there’s a function that does what you want it to do, and if there is one, write or use a plugin to access and change it when needed (there are even tools on the UAS to assist with this).

If you need a specific representation of an on-screen keyboard and the native Android version isn’t going to cut it, then you’ll have to either purchase one on the UAS or make your own solution using the Unity UI. Making an on-screen keyboard isn’t actually terribly difficult, and InputFields are a clear example of how to use one effectively to influence Text components (source here).