InputField with Content=Password gives WWWPost problem

Hi, i’m trying to make a registration form in my unity game (for desktop, not mobile)
I’ve set my 5 InputField:

  • username
  • mail
  • confirm mail
  • password
  • confirm password
    and set the content of the 2 password field as Password from the inspector, so their content is masked with *.

I made a public InputField[ ] array to assign those fields to the C# script that handle the submission of the forms to the server, but
formFields [3].textComponent.text and formFields [4].textComponent.text
wich are the mail and confirm mail fiels gives me two asterisks strings, like “" and "”, but i have to do stuffs on those strings before submitting to the server with WWWPost (basically checking the matching and doing an md5 to encrypt).

My question is: how can i retrieve from the InputField with Content=Password the REAL string value and not the asterisk string?

Thanks in advance guys

Ok, I’ve resolved: I had to simply use formFields [n].text, skipping the .textComponent part.