Never seen this call before 2017.1 and its absolutely killing the framerate, whats up with this?
Isn’t that what bug reporter tool is for?
It’s waiting for the worker threads to finish running particle jobs.
The timeline profiler will give you more information about what Unity is doing during this time.
I see, so it’s got to do with the graphics jobs thing then? I’ll do some more testing tomorrow to see if I can localize the regression then I’ll submit a bug report when I’m done
No, not graphics jobs, that’s something else. We use jobs for many things, graphics jobs is just one of them.
Nah I get that, it’s just as I understand the graphics job would delegate various graphics related things to worker threads? So I thought there could have been a bug there
Regardless it wasn’t the graphics jobs setting as you said, I’ve submitted a bug report
Seems it was reproducible