i see that when i right click the slider in timeline editor, i can click “insert/frame/” to insert frames. But it doesn’t work with animation track. And i have to manually edit every animation tracks. Is there any asset plugin / git project that helps this situation. if not , how do i write editor script for timeline editor?
Hi @SunnyChow ,
Can you describe a little more what is your usecase? Are you trying to extend a clip? You could edit it in animation window or slice it then add the number of frames you want between two clips.
I am looking for a similar solution. Let’s say you have built your timeline animation and you are happy with the work you have done, but the one animation in the middle is just half a second to short. It would be helpful to have an option to insert let’s say 30 Frames to all timelines -
I found the solution
Just right click the track, and click “Convert to clip track”. You can chop the animation to several clips, and the “insert/frame/” can work with it