Inside rendering


I’m new to Unity and I’m trying to make a simple cube without box collider so my character can pass through the cube but the moment I step into the cube I can see everything outisde the box, it’s like the box disappeared and I see the cube once again when I step out of the cube.
I’m interested to see the texture inside as well, like if I need that my character will be inside water or any fluid, I need to be able to see the texture inside the water surface not just the surface.
I hope you understood What i’m trying to say here.

You want to disable backface culling on the parts that are disappearing

You need a double sided shader., Or make sure the mesh have normals in both directions

This is just normal behavior for a graphics engine- Only one side of each polygon is rendered. In the case of the Unity cube, all of the polygons are facing outward. If you want a cube where the polygons face inward, you can create such a thing in Probuilder or Blender.