Inspector Foldout Menu not expanding properly

For my project I am using an inspector foldout menu to view and alter the values of noise layers contained in a list. However, the first noise layer, or the first item in the list, does not expand properly. It does not push the other items down, and instead overlaps inside of them. This makes it so I cannot change that layer’s values as they are covered by the other layers in the list.


I have both increased the size of the list and made it such that there is only one layer in the list, and the problem only occurs for the first item in the list. I have also tried this in Unity 2020.3.36f1 version, and the issue appears there as well.

This is the code for the objects inside the list:

public class ShapeSettings : ScriptableObject {

    public float planetRadius = 1;
    public NoiseLayer[] noiseLayers;

    public class NoiseLayer
        public bool enabled = true;
        public bool useFirstLayerAsMask;
        public NoiseSettings noiseSettings;

I am unsure if this is simply an issue with my code, or if this is an issue with Unity. Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

Pretty sure it is Unity. Here’s some more reading… this response and the one after it:

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Thank you for the link to the other posts!
I updated my project to 2021.3.5f1 from 2021.3.4f1 and it’s working perfectly now!

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