I’m working with a PSB file, I rigged it in Unity, but now the thumbnail of the sprite seems really distorted, as if I moved the bones of the sprite or something, but if I enter the sprite editor, or the prefabs, the object bones, position and geometry are unaltered.
I embedded the view of the sprite from the inspector (distorted), and one from inside the prefab (blue background) and one from the skinning editor.
How can I fixed the thumbnail? Thanks you!
Are you able to share the project with us that reproduce this?
No sir, I’m afraid I’m not able to do so, is there any other way to show it to you? Have you ever experienced or have been notified before about this problem with the Preview tool of sprites or prefabs? That’s really all my inconvenient, it’s not a fatal one, but something more related with the comfort of working with Unity and being able to see all the Previews correctly.
The only other reason I can think of is that there are are other scripts or components (like IK or Physics) that placed them in place. The prefab preview doesn’t execute those scripts when rendering the preview. As shown in Captura.png, it does looks like there might be other components.
Does the prefab generated by the PSB importer itself looks like it is offseted?
Hello Leo! Sorry for not answering back, I was analizing what could have happened, and today I found the solution.
Once you rig a PSB sprite, you can interact with the bones in the scene to generate particular poses, and that’s fine, BUT you can also interact with all the different parts of the sprite and in spite of changing their transform values, they don’t move at all, probably because of the rigging transform constraints.
The thing is, the Preview image in the Inspector shows the real position values of all those parts of the sprite you apparently didn’t move, but you did.
The solution was to open the PSB sprite, which is rather a prefab, and revert all the transform overrides you made by mistake in every sprite piece.
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