My inspector window has some of the components in it clipping together. This happened after I messed around with some UI rect transforms for scaling (which didn’t work and still don’t it still doesn’t size text correctly). It’s not THAT annoying for now but I want this fixed and nothing I’m doing is working. I’ve tried logging back in after closing Unity already and that did nothing. Please help and if so thank you
How do I fix this? My inspector window layouts just started clipping for no reason after I opened Unity one day. Please help it’s not THAT annoying but still it’s a problem. Thank you
I’m having the same issue pop up. Components overlap, the scrollbar is gone, and the components don’t update when I update my scripts. It seems my choices are to either close Unity and restart every time I make a change, or uninstall and reinstall Unity and continue on until it breaks again.
Anyone have any guidance? (Or have you figured out a fix, @ElmShady?)
So this doesn’t fix the problem but if you click the 3 dots in the upper right and “collapse all tabs” you can view each tab individually without overlap. Not the best solution, I know, but until we get an answer it’s better than reopening or reinstalling.
I hope this helps @Elmshady@Jeffool , it was driving me crazy all morning!
I am also running into this issue recently- I have coded a custom inspector for certain custom components, so maybe the issue does lies in mixing UI systems, however the overlapping and clipping in the inspector is still occurring on items which do NOT have any components that use custom inspectors. Should it still be an issue in this case?
I resolved this issue by removing a ‘CountLines’ editor script I found a few days ago (used to count project files and lines of code). As other people have mentioned it may be something to do with an editor script as this was placed in the editor folder and I had no errors like this previous to adding it.
I had been having an error in the console against the Inspector for the last couple weeks when starting Unity, that I was ignoring. (Unfortunately it’s gone now so I don’t recall what the error was.)
The inspector had lost its scrollbar and so the component panels could only fit in the max height of the inspector window size before they would start overlapping. It’s hard to notice unless you have a lot of variables so that the window is tall enough to have a scroll bar.
At the very top right of Unity I clicked the “Layout” Dropdown and selected “Reset All Layouts”. The issue was still occurring. But once I restarted Unity there was no error in the console and the scroll bar for the Inspector was back. The components were also no longer overlapping.