Install failed: installation failed editor installation failed

hello guys,

shivaji this side am new to unity, i have installed the unity hub 3.4.1 an also tried the different version of unityhub but while adding new editor in the unity hub it gives the error as
Install failed: Installation Failed Installs 12021.3.15f1 LTS
using unity2023.3.16f1 version editor
please guide me to install it
thank you so much

What’s your OS? How much hard drive space do you have left on your C drive if it’s Windows?

same problem here… unity2021.3.25f1 (only available to me)… windows 10, 200gb+ free in SSD… 16gb ram… gtx1060 3gb

I don’t think WIndows 10’s supported any more (not officially anyway)

horrible notice… thanks