Hi there,
Ok…I built my game and all just fine.
Now, I want to share it/test it with friends who has only windows OS?
How they should do that?
Hi there,
Ok…I built my game and all just fine.
Now, I want to share it/test it with friends who has only windows OS?
How they should do that?
build a windows version of your game and compress the folder then send that over.
Wow, that was fast…only 3 min.
Sorry, but from unity the windows selection isn’t highlighted?
Ofcourse Im using unity iPhone.
You’ll need to install Unity 2.5, and if you have the Indy version you’ll need to put one install on Windows. On Unity iPhone: Select all assets, go to “Assets->Export Package…” and export the project. Copy just the unity package file created to the Windows machine. On Unity Indy: “Assets->Import Package…”. Now you can build for Windows.
I’ll try
Unity iPhone builds iphone games only, they can not be executed on any kind of desktop
Hi there,
Yes…Perhaps i wasn’t clear in my question. so sorry about that.
Im building a game, using unity iphone on my iMac.
I want my friends, who has an iPhone but hasn’t an iMac to be able to install my game on their iPhone.
Maybe its more clear now
Thanks Again,
I’m afraid you’re entering into the Key Chain Infinite Nightmare (©), here :roll:
oh… :shock:
well, the best thing is to try.
lets hope for the best.
Read up on the iPhone app distribution topics on Apple’s iPhone developer site. The basic idea is:
iTunes supports this on either platform. It’s pretty simple once you’ve done it once or twice.
Follow the direction’s on Apple’s site about making ad hoc builds.
Once you have adhoc working on your own device. Don’t even try giving it to your friend until you have it working on your device. Make sure and delete the app from your device first so you know for sure it is working.
After it is working…
Grab your app and drop into itunes dock icon. Search for the .ipa itunes generated for your app. Send the .ipa and your adhoc profile to your friend.
This is a LOT more trouble-free way of sending an app to a Windows user. It’s also easier for your mac testers as well.
Thanks a million.
This was just what I needed.
and it works 100%.
Thank you guys, you’re the best