Installation Commands

Hi all,

As a starter, I should point out I am not a user of Unity. I work in an IT team and we have been requested to get this software pushed out to a number of PCs for students to use.

Initially we got asked to push out Unity, we do this with SCCM to make life easier. We later got told Visual Studio was needed for Unity to work.

I see a few ways of doing this, I can push out the two separate applications and that will work. Or we can push out Unity and then through the hub there is an option to install the Visual Studio Community 2022 module.

Is there a way to automate this whole process? For example there is the standard assets command

UnityStandardAssetsSetup.exe /S /D=E:\Development\Unity

Is there similar for VS 2022?


Unity (install path is optional):

UnitySetup.exe /S /D=E:\Development\Unity

Visual Studio (install path is optional):

vs_community.exe --installPath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community" --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedGame