Pretty much what the title says. Nuked it and tried it multiple times, and it 100% fails to deploy the folder on Windows:
C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2021.3.32f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platforms
Which will then fail to build Android apps on 2021.3.32; the build process will then try to download and install stuff but fails miserably and gives up after a few tries.
Installing 2021.3.31 or later does successfully deploy the platforms\android-29 folder into that install.
Looking at the %temp% folder where Hub downloads the install files confirms that it IS correctly downloading the proper “” but it fails to unzip it. My best guess is that the updated installer is not looking for this filename?
Right now my workaround is to copy the “android-29” from the .31 install into the .32 install.
Is anyone else having this problem?