Installing Unity on macOS Catalina

Hey macOS Unity users, if you’re running into issues with the Unity Installer while trying out the version of macOS that Apple announced at WWDC today, you can fix the error by updating your version of Unity with the instructions below:

All versions of Unity available via the Unity Hub can be installed without issue. If you need the Download Assistant for offline installation, you can update via fixed versions of the installers. An updated 2017 installer can be found here, and an updated 2018 installer will be available later this week with the release of 2018.4.2. Previous versions of the installer will not be compatible with macOS Catalina.

We’re working to resolve the error and we’ll let you know here when everything is updated. Let us know if you’re having any issues in the meantime.


Hey, not sure this is the right place to post, but I’m experiencing issues starting one of our games in Unity on Catalina.

It is running on Unity 2018.2.21f1 and always gets stuck on startup when importing the wav files. The same project seems fine on Mojave.

Other titles on 2018.3.x and 2019.1.x seem to be unaffected. Is this a known issue? Any ideas how I can workaround?


I’m running the beta version of Catalina and using an old version of Unity 5.6.4f1 and I get the same problem importing wav files.

I also can’t import shaders, due to UnityShaderCompiler being 32-bit only. Seems like Unity 5 is basically incompatible with Catalina. Can we expect a fix @nickrapp or is Unity 5 going to become unsupported?

@JanetRGilbert Unity 5 will not be getting any backport or fixes for MacOS 10.15, as for the Wav Importer issue we are looking into this issue.

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The Wav file import issue with 2017.4 LTS, we have identified the issue as being an issue with an FMOD Tool being 32bit which is not supported in MacOS 10.15. We will release a fix for 2017.4 LTS but we will not be releasing an update for 2018.1/2018.2 as these are unsupported releases. The issue doesn’t manifest in 2018.3+ and we will update the documentations etc… to represent the support matrix below.

MacOS 10.15 Support:

2017.4 LTS


Hi! Is this fixed yet?

I’m on 2018.4.2f1 and I’m wondering if upgrading will fix the issue for a Mac user of mine.

I have upgraded to Catalina because I need to build for the upcoming iOS13 and Catalina.
I also have audio import problems - not only WAV but also OGG. We do not use FMOD. The editor crashes with the following message every time:

Updating Assets/Audio/audiofile.ogg - GUID: 00220d8f589904b9c9b5b706a127b140...
2019-08-02 13:46:51.735 Unity[8933:146743] *** -[NSConcreteTask terminationStatus]: task not launched

I have upgraded the the latest LTS 2017.430f1.
Any ETA for fixing this? Or workaround? @andrews_unity

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Managed to get a better stack trace of the exception

2019-08-02 14:51:09.664 Unity[5898:55910] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInvalidArgumentException’, reason: ‘*** -[NSConcreteTask terminationStatus]: task not launched’
*** First throw call stack:
0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff37fb4183 __exceptionPreprocess + 250
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff6e4beb64 objc_exception_throw + 48
2 Foundation 0x00007fff3a65fdbb -[NSConcreteTask terminationStatus] + 175
3 Unity 0x00000001006bdecc Z16LaunchExecutableRKN4core12basic_stringIcNS_20StringStorageDefaultIcEEEERKSt6vectorIS3_SaIS3_EES5_PS3_PjSB + 2924
4 Unity 0x000000010146ed58 ZN13AudioImporter18AttemptTranscodingERKN4core12basic_stringIcNS0_20StringStorageDefaultIcEEEES6_RKNS_14SampleSettingsEN10SampleClip15ContainerFormatEbbPS4 + 4552
5 Unity 0x000000010146bff2 _ZN13AudioImporter17GenerateAssetDataEv + 1362
6 Unity 0x0000000102473aaf _ZN15AssetDatabaseV111ImportAssetE9UnityGUIDR5AssetRKN4core12basic_stringIcNS3_20StringStorageDefaultIcEEEES9_R22AssetImporterSelectionN13AssetDatabase18UpdateAssetOptionsERKNS3_17string_with_labelILi1EEEbR31InstanceIDLocalIdentifierLookupR13dynamic_arrayIP6ObjectLm8EE + 1183
7 Unity 0x0000000102478c36 _ZN15AssetDatabaseV111UpdateAssetERK9UnityGUIDS2_N13AssetDatabase18UpdateAssetOptionsE7Hash128P24AssetImportingTimerStats + 4438
8 Unity 0x00000001024b407f _ZN14AssetInterface27ProcessAssetsImplementationERd15CancelBehaviourN13AssetDatabase18UpdateAssetOptionsE + 1087
9 Unity 0x00000001024b3691 _ZN14AssetInterface16StopAssetEditingE15CancelBehaviourN13AssetDatabase18UpdateAssetOptionsE + 465
10 Unity 0x00000001024b8191 _ZN14AssetInterface7RefreshEN13AssetDatabase18UpdateAssetOptionsE + 11521
11 ??? 0x00000001246f3352 0x0 + 4906234706
12 ??? 0x00000001246f3286 0x0 + 4906234502
13 ??? 0x0000000148de8a5f 0x0 + 5517511263
14 ??? 0x0000000148de2a20 0x0 + 5517486624
15 ??? 0x0000000148de2861 0x0 + 5517486177
16 ??? 0x0000000148de256a 0x0 + 5517485418
17 ??? 0x0000000148ddbecd 0x0 + 5517459149
18 ??? 0x0000000122717916 0x0 + 4872829206
19 libmono.0.dylib 0x000000013acc13a2 mono_get_runtime_build_info + 3654
20 libmono.0.dylib 0x000000013adedb92 mono_runtime_invoke + 117
21 libmono.0.dylib 0x000000013adee059 mono_runtime_class_init_full + 1025
22 libmono.0.dylib 0x000000013adedc53 mono_runtime_class_init + 18
23 libmono.0.dylib 0x000000013adb35d5 mono_register_jit_icall + 42299
24 ??? 0x00000001488b394b 0x0 + 5512051019
25 ??? 0x00000001488b3884 0x0 + 5512050820
26 ??? 0x00000001488b358e 0x0 + 5512050062
27 ??? 0x00000001488b1c33 0x0 + 5512043571
28 ??? 0x00000001488b22b6 0x0 + 5512045238
29 libmono.0.dylib 0x000000013acc13a2 mono_get_runtime_build_info + 3654
30 libmono.0.dylib 0x000000013adedb92 mono_runtime_invoke + 117
31 Unity 0x000000010101980a _ZN19ScriptingInvocation6InvokeEP21ScriptingExceptionPtrb + 106
32 Unity 0x0000000100fde028 _ZN11MonoManager27SetupLoadedEditorAssembliesEv + 984
33 Unity 0x0000000100fdfa6a _ZN11MonoManager17EndReloadAssemblyERK19DomainReloadingData14dynamic_bitset + 1914
34 Unity 0x0000000100fde67f _ZN11MonoManager14ReloadAssemblyEb + 367
35 Unity 0x000000010131512e _ZL27LoadDomainAndUserAssembliesv + 174
36 Unity 0x000000010131446b _Z41LoadMonoAssembliesAndRecompileIfNecessaryb + 3259
37 Unity 0x00000001019ae451 _ZN11Application17InitializeProjectEv + 8225
38 Unity 0x00000001006b71a9 -[EditorApplication applicationDidFinishLaunching:] + 249
39 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff37f6533c CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER + 12
40 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff37ff5b40 ___CFXRegistrationPost1_block_invoke + 63
41 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff37ff515b _CFXRegistrationPost1 + 372
42 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff37f6d82e ___CFXNotificationPost_block_invoke + 97
43 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff37ed62e2 -[_CFXNotificationRegistrar find:object:observer:enumerator:] + 1575
44 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff37ed5772 _CFXNotificationPost + 1351
45 Foundation 0x00007fff3a60daab -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 59
46 AppKit 0x00007fff3516a0a3 -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 312
47 AppKit 0x00007fff35169da6 -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 208
48 AppKit 0x00007fff3516800b -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 549
49 AppKit 0x00007fff35167c5e -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 688
50 Foundation 0x00007fff3a6568cf -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 308
51 Foundation 0x00007fff3a656739 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 98
52 AE 0x00007fff3933f43a aeProcessAppleEvent + 3021
53 AE 0x00007fff3933eb60 aeProcessAppleEvent + 755
54 AE 0x00007fff3933ea2e aeProcessAppleEvent + 449
55 HIToolbox 0x00007fff36ab8808 AEProcessAppleEvent + 54
56 AppKit 0x00007fff35164294 _DPSNextEvent + 1670
57 AppKit 0x00007fff35162d5c -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1352
58 AppKit 0x00007fff3515d4f6 -[NSApplication run] + 658
59 AppKit 0x00007fff3514f3de NSApplicationMain + 777
60 Unity 0x00000001006d6187 _Z10EditorMainiPPKc + 839
61 Unity 0x00000001006d6609 main + 9
62 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff6f8142f5 start + 1
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

Just to note here 2018.4 LTS and 2019+ doesn’t have this issue, as for when 2017.4 it should be resolved in the next update.


LTS Release 2017.4.31f1 is out.
The problem with Mac OS Catalina 10.15 importing MP3/ WAV is still here.

Going to be the next release :smile: of 2017.4 that is

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Sounds good! Thank you.

UnitySetup-Android-Support-for-editor-2018.4.7f1 pkg
cannot install in MacOS catalina.
Please help me :((

Any luck? I’m able to on my personal machine, but not my corporate machine…which is the one I need it on :slight_smile: Same behavior behind the firewall, on VPN or just on my home network.

I don’t see anything too weird in the diagnostic report other than “Wakeups: 45001 wakeups over the last 69 seconds (655 wakeups per second average), exceeding limit of 150 wakeups per second over 300 seconds”. I’ve attached the diagnostic report just in case anyone else can see anything useful in it :).a

For what it’s worth, people with the same computer, on High Sierra have no issues.

When I try to download the installer instead of the hub, I get a different error, but the same log. It claims the drive I’m installing to can’t be written to. That’s a lie.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

4899140–473840–unity_catalina_diag.txt (29.1 KB)

This is extremely frustrating, just started happening on catalina.

Please report all bugs not in the issue tracker. Thanks!

@badradionz I think your issue has been resolved

This would cause a bunch of errors when you try and reopen the project :frowning: which version were you using as this was fixed in 2018.4.8+

As for the installer issue I was able to install android support via the latest version of the Unity Hub (2.2.1) on 2018.4.8 on the current public beta of Catalina with no issue. I also verified that if you use the UnityInstaller directly the installation works fine, but the pkg files do seem to run into the read only issue mentioned above. We shall look further into that.

Same problem here. Cannot install any version of unity in Catalina OS. “Unity can’t be installed on this disk. The contents of this disk can’t be changed”
Feels like Unity have to ask In a new way permission to install and those guys haven’t tested right now.

Same - I’m trying to install Unity 2019.2.5 on Catalina but Hub doesn’t have that version (not sure why?) and the installer on the download archive doesn’t work in OSX10.15, despite being from September, well after this post.

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