I access this prefab in my script as [SerialazeField]. I can instantiante and set the parent.
But how I will set the parameters on Click? If I have this button in the hierarchy, I just drop my script in that field below the “Runtime Only” and set my the fcuntion and set the paramenter. I have one integer as parameter…
I use this button to create a list with these buttons. This integer paramenter is used to load a model in a List
EDIT 1: If I keep this prefab button in the hierarchy objects only set active as false and use it to instantiate, is the half o path…Now to know how change the parameter…
The way above is an excellent simple way for one button.
Sometimes you want to do more than one thing per item:
change name
change picture
connect listener to button?
This maybe you do when you show a grid of pictures, or grid of choices.
Enclosed is my approach: I make a custom script to control one item:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
// @kurtdekker
public class OneSingleTile : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField]Button Button;
[SerializeField]Text Caption;
[SerializeField]Image Icon;
public void SetCaptionText( string caption)
Caption.text = caption;
public void SetIconSprite (Sprite sprite)
Icon.sprite = sprite;
public void SetButtonDelegate( System.Action action)
delegate {
then I put one item in scene, turned off, and us it to make as many as I need in a GridLayoutGroup:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// @kurtdekker
public class DynamicUIDemo : MonoBehaviour
[Header("This example tile will be cloned.")]
public OneSingleTile ExemplarTile;
OneSingleTile MakeFreshCopyOfExampleTile()
// create it and simultaneously parent it to the same place in the UI
var copy = Instantiate<OneSingleTile>( ExemplarTile, ExemplarTile.transform.parent);
// make it visible
copy.gameObject.SetActive( true);
return copy;
void Start ()
// turn off the example first, so it doesn't interfere
ExemplarTile.gameObject.SetActive( false);
// you choose how to create these, perhaps from a list
// of known levels, or a list of items, for instance.
// This code searches Resources/DynamicUISprites and loads
// all the sprites it finds, sorts them by alphabetical
// name, and displays them in the grid.
var sprites = Resources.LoadAll<Sprite>( "DynamicUISprites/");
Debug.Log( System.String.Format( "I found {0} sprites.", sprites.Length));
// alpha sort by name
System.Array.Sort( sprites, (a,b) => { return a.name.CompareTo( b.name); });
// now make buttons (tiles) out of each one
foreach( var sprite in sprites)
var entry = MakeFreshCopyOfExampleTile();
entry.SetIconSprite( sprite);
entry.SetCaptionText( sprite.name);
// set up what each button does when pressed
string textToDisplay = "You clicked on:" + sprite.name;
() =>
Debug.Log( textToDisplay);
// TODO you can call whatever other code you like here...
What? The Kurt did a book while I was taking coffee…
Kurt, why my code doest work? The index i is the same for all buttons. And if I have 2 btns, so 0 and 1 woulb be the index but actually is 2…Is like the index i is updating for all buttons while looping…
foreach (valuesModel c in SelectedModel.listOfModels[0].selectedModelC)
GameObject n = Instantiate(buttonCVersions, panelCVersions.transform);
n.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<TMP_Text>().text = c.titleButton;
n.transform.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { changeModel(i); });
I implemented the same idea in your code and work fine!
int index = 0;
// now make buttons (tiles) out of each one
foreach( var sprite in sprites)
var entry = MakeFreshCopyOfExampleTile();
entry.SetIconSprite( sprite);
entry.SetCaptionText( sprite.name);
// set up what each button does when pressed
string textToDisplay = "You clicked on:" + sprite.name + " " + index;
() =>
Debug.Log( textToDisplay);
// TODO you can call whatever other code you like here...