ok currently i am working on a pokemon like game
i did set up the arena gameobject which can have different versions
I plan to have a few hundred NPCs running around like a playerobject with their own goals and daily schedule.
right now i think about how to initialize the arena in a good way performance wise
a npc can battle other npcs or find a monster inside the grass and have his own instance
so currently a BattleEvent collects all data around the battle itself but if a human player wants to spectate a npc he can watch the battle so i need to:
create a copy of the arena (for example copy ā grassarena)
fill in all the BattleEvent Data
and let the npc run through them
destroy the copy at the end and save the BattleEvent results
since the games focus point is to simulate a pokemon like world with a few hundred npcs in intensive times about 100 arenas could be created in the same minute
which could be performance-wise difficult to handle since the arena gameobject has a full ui about everything monster battle related content so people can watch it
i dont really want to emulate battles but have the npc actually do them
so i am looking for ideas on how to do it in a better way then the one I currently have in mind