Instantiate a GameObject multiple times

I have imported my Uuo element from 3ds Max. Now that I have done that I need to figure out the best way to go about to taking that GameObject and making it appear in multiple boxes with the color number of electron, protons, neutrons, and shells depending on whatever element is on the box.

I remember reading a little about instantiating a GO, but not sure if that would be the best way to approach this. If so, what else do I need to look for and figure out? If not, suggestions?

Any help/guidance would be wonderful for this little educational project of mine..... Thanks.

I know this could be added to the comment chain above, but thought it would be easier to look over if it was below in it's own. This code is attached to an empty game object that I'm using to help me get my element into multiple cubes.

var prefab : GameObject;

function Start () {
    for (i=0; i < GameObject.Find("Table5").transform.childCount; i++) {
         Instantiate(prefab, GameObject.Find("Table5").transform.Find("" + (i+1)).transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

Now for the next step: Getting the correct number of the structure to show in the correct box.

Yes, instantiating sounds ideally suited to what you want to do.

Do you need to instantiate various numbers of electrons, protons and neutrons in the correct configuration?

Typically, you'd create a public variable in your script in which to store a reference to the prefab you want to instantiate. This variable is often of type Transform or GameObject (although in some instances it's more suitable to make the variable match the type of a script placed on your prefab). I'm using GameObject in this example:

var electronPrefab : GameObject;

You would then need to make sure that your script has a reference to the electron prefab dragged into this variable. You could then use Instantiate in that script to create instances of the prefab.

You can change the colour of an instantiated object by retaining the reference passed back by Instantiate, and then modifying the renderer material colour, like this:

GameObject obj = Instantiate( electronPrefab, position, rotation);
obj.renderer.material.color =;

Of course you can also specify custom colors, as well as using built-in colour names, like this:

obj.renderer.material.color = Color(0.8, 0.2, 0.8, 1);

Hope this is enough to get you started.