Hello people, I have a small problem.
In fact I would want to instantiate a gameobject since another script.
Here is the error that I reçoi:NullReferenceException: Object references not set to the year authority of the object year
GenDongeon.geng () (at Assets Assets/Scripts/GenDongeon.cs:30 Scripts)
GenDongeon+pause > c __ Iterator0. MoveNext () (at Assets Assets/Scripts/GenDongeon.cs:21 Scripts)
Thank you.
Sorry for my bad English, because I am French.
Script Salles :
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Salles : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject [] salleg1;
public GameObject [] salled1;
public GameObject [] salleu1;
public GameObject [] salleb1;
public static GameObject [] salleg;
public static GameObject [] salled;
public static GameObject [] salleu;
public static GameObject [] salleb;
public static int salg;
public static int sald;
public static int salu;
public static int salb;
void start(){
salleg = new GameObject[salleg1.Length];
salled = new GameObject[salled1.Length];
salleu = new GameObject[salleu1.Length];
salleb = new GameObject[salleb1.Length];
salg = salleg1.Length;
sald = salled1.Length;
salu = salleu1.Length;
salb = salleb1.Length;
for(int a=0;a<salleg1.Length;a++){
salleg[a] = salleg1[a];
for(int b=0;b<salled1.Length;b++){
salled __= salled1**;**__
** }**
** for(int c=0;c<salleu1.Length;c++){**
** salleu**
** = salleu1[c];
for(int d=0;d<salleb1.Length;d++){
salleb[d] = salleb1[d];
Script GenDongeon :
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GenDongeon : MonoBehaviour {
public bool g;
public bool d;
public bool u;
public bool b;
public int timep;
void Start () {
StartCoroutine (pause());
public IEnumerator pause(){
yield return new WaitForSeconds(timep);
void geng(){
int rand = Random.Range (0,Salles.sald);
Instantiate (Salles.salled[rand],new Vector3(this.transform.position.x-8,this.transform.position.y,0),Quaternion.identity);
void gend(){
int rand = Random.Range (0,Salles.salg);
Instantiate (Salles.salleg[rand],new Vector3(this.transform.position.x+8,this.transform.position.y,0),Quaternion.identity);
void genu(){
int rand = Random.Range (0,Salles.salb);
Instantiate (Salles.salleb[rand],new Vector3(this.transform.position.x,this.transform.position.y+8,0),Quaternion.identity);
void genb(){
int rand = Random.Range (0,Salles.salu);
Instantiate (Salles.salleu[rand],new Vector3(this.transform.position.x,this.transform.position.y-8,0),Quaternion.identity);