Instantiate A Prefab

Hey, I am having a little trouble with instantiating.

What I started out with was attaching this script:

var newObject : GameObject;    
function Update () {
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && Position.y < 0.5) {    
Instantiate(newObject, Vector3(0, -2, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0));    

To the character (3rd person). I then added the "Campfire" prefab as newObject so that if you click the mouse button, it creates a campfire below you. It gave me error messages though, and when you click the mouse, the campfire was located around the character's head and rotated 90 degrees. I need it on the ground.

Does somebody know how I can fix this script to get it to work?


Vector3(0,0,0) in your example should be Quaternion.identity

After that, you should just be able to play around with the first vector to set the right height