Instantiate as a child?

I have this script, and I want “tempbrick” to be parented to the object this raycast hits. How? I only understand that you have to instantiate, then parent the new object to the one I need. I just don’t know how to declare tempbrick’s transform as a variable.

var ray : Ray;
var hit : RaycastHit;
var objectBounds : Bounds;
var maxNumberOfClones : int;
var tempbrick : GameObject;

private var numberOfClose : int;
private var activeClones : Array = new Array ();

function Update() {
	if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1")) {
    ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

    if (Physics.Raycast(ray, hit)) {
        objectBounds = hit.transform.renderer.bounds;
        var rotationOfHitObject : Quaternion = hit.collider.gameObject.transform.rotation;
			Debug.DrawLine (ray.origin, hit.point);
			            activeClones.Add(Instantiate(tempbrick, hit.point, rotationOfHitObject));
			                    if(activeClones.length > maxNumberOfClones) {

            Destroy(activeClones[0]); //destroy the first entry of the array

            activeClones.Shift(); // remove this entry from the array    
        Physics.Raycast (ray, hit);

	Debug.DrawRay (ray.origin, ray.direction * 10, Color.white);

There’s something about what you’re trying to do here makes me really want to see this work (I smell a good idea?). I’m going to take a shot at doing this from scratch:

#pragma strict
var maxNumberOfClones : int;
var brickPrefab : GameObject;

private var activeBricks : GameObject[]; //The Array class is evil, use this instead
private var carrPos : int = 0;
private var ray : Ray;
private var hit : RaycastHit;
private var instanBrick : GameObject;

function Start()
    activeBricks = new GameObject[maxNumberOfClones];

function Update()
        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * 10, Color.white);
        if(Physics.Raycast(ray, hit))
            instanBrick = Instantiate(brickPrefab, hit.point, hit.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
            instanBrick.transform.parent = hit.transform;

function addToActiveBricks(input : GameObject)
    //if(activeBricks[carrPos] != null) //unsure if needed
    activeBricks[carrPos] = input;
    if(carrPos >= maxNumberOfClones)
        carrPos = 0;
@Script AddComponentMenu("Test Scripts/Give SilverTabby Cookies")

I don’t even know if that will compile but it should work (it did in my mind at least)

    Hope this helped <("<)(^"^)(>")>

I was trying to be vague so that you would figure it out on your own, but obviously I’m being too vague.

Here’s a fish:

var instanceOfTempBrick = Instantiate(tempbrick, hit.point, rotationOfHitObject);
tempbrick.transform.parent = hit.transform;
//some code omitied

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

The teaching is in my comments ( well at least I tried to teach in the comments :\ ).

    Hope this helped <("<)(^"^)(>")>

if( Physics.Raycast(ray, hit) )
tempbrick.transform.parent = hit.transform;

Hope this helped