Instantiate money and stack on multiple spawn point

Hello, This is Mahsa

I am trying to instantiate pile of money ,

So here is the problem I give them some height that they stack on top and also , I pick random spawn point , they go up every time like this →

here is the script

public MoneyData moneyPrefab;
[SerializeField] Transform spawnPoint;
[SerializeField] AnimationCurve _animationCurve;

public List<MoneyPointTf> moneyPointList = new List<MoneyPointTf>();
public List<MoneyData> moneyList = new List<MoneyData>();

public IEnumerator SpawnMoney()
  MoneyData newMoney = Instantiate(moneyPrefab, spawnPoint.position, spawnPoint.rotation) as   MoneyData;

   var randPoint = Random.Range(0, moneyPointList.Count);
  float timer = 0;
  float duration = 5f;

  var lasTileLocalPos =;

  if (moneyList.Count > 0)
     lasTileLocalPos = moneyList.Last().moneyStackLocalPos;

  var randPointTr = moneyPointList[randPoint].transform;

  newMoney.moneyStackLocalPos = lasTileLocalPos + Vector3.up * newMoney.moneyHeight;
  newMoney.transform.parent = randPointTr; // parent

  var startScale =;
  var targetScale =;

  var startPos = newMoney.transform.localPosition;
  var targetPos = lasTileLocalPos; // target

  newMoney.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

  while (timer < duration)
     timer = Mathf.Min(timer + Time.deltaTime, duration);
     float t = timer / duration;
     var position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, targetPos, t);
     position.y += _animationCurve.Evaluate(t);

     if (duration > 0.35f)
        newMoney.transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startScale, targetScale, t);

     newMoney.transform.localPosition = position;
     yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();