Instantiate Onto An Empty Game Object Rotated

Hello, I’m trying for some time now to find a solution but i can’t. I have a script that allows you to spawn a game object randomly onto an empty game object. It spawns the object i want fine on the position of the empty object but the rotation is 0 0 0. How can i spawn it but use the empty game object’s rotation x y and z ?

Here is my script:

#pragma strict

var source : GameObject;
var spawnPoints : GameObject[];
function Start ()
var pos : Vector3 = spawnPoints[Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length)].transform.position;
var instance = Instantiate(source, pos ,transform.rotation);

This, I think, is what you’re looking for:

#pragma strict
var source : GameObject;
var spawnPoints : GameObject[];
function Start ()
    var spawnPoint = spawnPoints[Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length)].transform;
    var instance = Instantiate(source, spawnPoint.position ,spawnPoint.rotation);

Maybe you can instantiate it first and later edit the position:

var go : GameObject = new GameObject(); 

This is the right way yo crate a new gameobject (a null one), using Instantiate won’t work because, this is null, and Instantiate doesn’t allow this kind of parameters

go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(30, 0, 0); 

This will rotate the gameobject 30 degrees in the x-axis

So, you would use better this code:

#pragma strict
var source : GameObject;
var spawnPoints : GameObject[];
function Start ()
var go : GameObject = new GameObject(); 
var pos : Vector3 = spawnPoints[Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length)].transform.position;
go.transform.position = pos;
go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(30, 0, 0);

Bye. ^^