Currently have a scene instantiating a player gameobject for the master and client as player 1 and 2 through PUN 2. As a script it works fine but when trying it on visual scripting only the editor instantiates the player gameobject. Is there something that needs to be done to allow the stand alone build to see the visual scripts? It seems like it just doesn’t see the visual scripts on the stand alone builds but the editor side works perfect. Image attached for reference.
Not sure if you are interested, but I’ve made a video series for Fish Networking and visual scripting.
The links for scripts and whatnot mentioned in the video are on YouTube in the description and don’t show on this page. Click the Watch on YouTube button to get them.
PUN2 is great because it’s so simple, but in the long run you will be far better served by learning Fish. I can have 500+ clients connected without any problem using VS and Fish.
I wasn’t going to reply to this but I’ve already built the whole game around Photon and paid for the service so telling me I should switch the whole game architecture and recode it now when I just asked a question on compatibility isn’t helpful at all. If you don’t know the answer, don’t answer. After going through forums I see this kind of response too often and prevents people who know the answer from answering. Please think of the other person next time you think about giving unsolicited advice that isn’t related to the topic to plug your youtube channel. Don’t. It’s not helpful. It’s pretty toxic.
I gave you an option because you are clearly struggling with PUN2 with VS as everyone does. It’s not user friendly with VS. PUN2 itself is fine with C# but not VS. I gave you this option because there is very limited help with Visual Scripting and PUN2 and it’s quite honestly the worst choice with VS. It’s not a good combination. There will most likely never be any help with PUN2 with VS because it’s being sunset as a legacy asset. It’s being replaced with Photon Fusion and Photon Quantum.
The networking solutions are all very similar in the way they function with the exception of Photon Fusion. That’s why I made the videos. They work on Mirror, Fish, etc. They help the people who have no other resources and would never get an answer on the forums about networking because it’s lightyears ahead of where 99% of the VS users are currently at in their game dev careers. Additionally, I make no money from YouTube and don’t care how many followers I have. I have no sponsorships and get paid by no companies to push products even when offered. I take tips on a Patreon account that I quite possibly forgot the password to because I don’t care about money but pesky people who can’t seem to understand there are nice people in this world who do things for free want to give me something for the help I provide for free. The videos are purely there to help people who are struggling with Visual Scripting and difficult topics such as networking. I made the videos for Fish because Fish was by far better in conjunction with VS than every other solution. Is it the best solution for networking in genera? Shrug. You figure that out. Is it the best solution for VS. Yes. By far.
Good luck with your legacy asset. If you’re ever interested in actual networking that will provide long lasting useful knowledge, ping me on the Fish discord for free help. Doesn’t have to be with this project. Your next project. I will also help with Mirror. Either one. I don’t care what you use as long as you get a solution that gets you going and able to make networked games in a clear and concise way that doesn’t end up with questions on the forums that will never be answered.
I don’t help with Fusion/Quantum. Too expensive for my blood. WelfareCheck#3473
it looks like you’re attempting to instantiate an object component instead of the prefab itself?
what if you try the Game Object Instantiate game object
drag the prefab into the slot and boom… no?
Cool bro. I had a question about visual scripting not asking for recommendations that are irrelevant to what I am working on. I got my legacy asset working myself. Not going to knock down the brick house just because some people are using steel. Some of us don’t have the money or luxury of switching the entire work we have spent months on just because someone says there is some other asset that requires redoing everything with a different architecture. You keep telling people they should give up and tearing people down for using what you don’t. Whatever makes you happy. Dueces
You’ll understand after launch. Good luck.
Good luck with your youtube series getting 200 views a video, maybe try advertising somewhere other than spamming unity help forums.
Let me know when you learn to code and make something yourself;)