Instantiate prefab

Hi… i am new to unity … :slight_smile: … what i am trying to do is to create prefab on the spawn which i have positioned, when first prefab create , wait for 8 seconds then create rest of 4… but here what is happening … its creating prefabs continously … like first on on location 1 it creates hundreds of prefab :frowning: … then after 8 sec starts creating hundreds of on other locations…:"( … what i want just create one one prefab on each location … just once … kindly help me out …

#pragma strict

    var timer : float = 0.0;
    var spawning : boolean = false;
    var prefab1 : Rigidbody;
    var prefab2 : Rigidbody;
    var prefab3 : Rigidbody;
    var prefab4 : Rigidbody;
    var prefab5 : Rigidbody;
//    var prefab6 : Rigidbody;
    var spawn1 : Transform;
    var spawn2 : Transform;
    var spawn3 : Transform;
    var spawn4 : Transform;
    var spawn5 : Transform;
//    var spawn6 : Transform;
    var flag=true;
    function Update () {
     if (flag){
    function Spawn(){
     var location1 : Transform;
	 var location2 : Transform;
	 var location3 : Transform;
	 var location4 : Transform;
	 var location5 : Transform;
//	 var location6 : Transform;
      location1 = spawn1;
      location2 = spawn2;
      location3 = spawn3;
      location4 = spawn4;
      location5 = spawn5;

     var thingToMake1 : Rigidbody = Instantiate(prefab1, location1.position, location1.rotation);
     yield WaitForSeconds(8);
     var thingToMake2 : Rigidbody = Instantiate(prefab2, location2.position, location1.rotation);
     var thingToMake3 : Rigidbody = Instantiate(prefab3, location3.position, location1.rotation);
     var thingToMake4 : Rigidbody = Instantiate(prefab4, location4.position, location1.rotation);
     var thingToMake5 : Rigidbody = Instantiate(prefab5, location5.position, location1.rotation);

Whats happening is it takes at least 8 seconds before the flag=false; is being hit. Meanwhile the update loop is probably still running and calling your Spawn function numerous times.

if (flag){
   flag = false;

I think you might want to use the start function instead of the update function. Start will only called once which is good for initializing your variables, objects, ect. And Update is good when you need to change things such input, moving objects, ect.

function Start () {
