Instantiate question

Hi, i got this asset from the asset store for building placement. There’s this ghost building before the final building places. And when the final building places i would like it to also instantiate with the ghost buildings z rotation because i have added a script so the ghost can be rotated before the final object is instantiated.

just to help clarify the question ill give an example say this line is my ghost object | When i rotate the ghost like this \ the final object still instantiates like | like it was originaly
Here’s the Code-

public class BuildManager: MonoBehaviour 
	public int SelectedBuilding;
	private int LastSelectedBuilding;
	public GameObject[] Building;
	public List<GameObject> collided = new List<GameObject>();
	public List<BuildingList> buildings = new List<BuildingList>();
	public string TerrainCollisionTag;
	private GameObject ghost;

	private bool ghostOn = false;

	private bool isFlat;
	public float maxSlopeHigh = 5f;
	void Start()
		LastSelectedBuilding = SelectedBuilding;
	void Update()
		Ray ray;
		RaycastHit[] hit;
		ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
		hit = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, Mathf.Infinity);

		for (int i = 0; i < hit.Length; i++)
			if (hit*.collider.tag == TerrainCollisionTag)*
  •  	{*
  •  		if (SelectedBuilding != LastSelectedBuilding && ghost != null)*
  •  		{*
  •  			Destroy(ghost);*
  •  			ghostOn = false;*
  •  			LastSelectedBuilding = SelectedBuilding;*
  •  			collided.Clear();*
  •  			break;*
  •  		}*
  •  		if (!ghostOn)*
  •  		{*
  •  			ghost = (GameObject)Instantiate(Building[SelectedBuilding],* 

_ new Vector3(hit*.point.x,_
_ hit.point.y + (Building[SelectedBuilding].transform.localScale.y / 2),

* ghostOn = true; *
* }*

* if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && collided.Count == 0 && isFlat )*
* {*
* BuildingList bl = new BuildingList();*

* DestroyImmediate(ghost);*

* bl.buildingGameObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(Building[SelectedBuilding],*
_ new Vector3(hit*.point.x,
hit.point.y + (Building[SelectedBuilding].transform.localScale.y / 2),

* string s =“(Clone)”, “”);*
* = s;*
* bl.buildingName = s;*

* buildings.Add(bl);*

* ghostOn = false;*
* GUIScript.TimeToPlace=false;*

* collided.Clear();*
* break;*

* }*

* if (ghost != null)*
* {*
* ghost.transform.position = new Vector3(*
_ hit*.point.x,
hit.point.y + Building[SelectedBuilding].GetComponent().transform.localScale.y / 2,

* isFlat = GroundFlat(ghost);*

* if (collided.Count != 0 || !isFlat)*
* {*
* ghost.GetComponent().material.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(Building[SelectedBuilding].GetComponent().sharedMaterial);*
* ghost.GetComponent().material.color = new Color(*
* 1f,*
* 0f,*
* 0f,*
* 0.6f);*
* } *
* else if (collided.Count == 0 && isFlat)*
* {*
* ghost.GetComponent().material.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(Building[SelectedBuilding].GetComponent().sharedMaterial);*
* //ghost.GetComponent().material.color = new Color(*
* // 0f,*
* // 1f,*
* // 0f,*
* // 0.6f);*
* }*

* }*
* } *
* }*
* }*
* }*

* bool GroundFlat(GameObject Ghost)*
* {*
* RaycastHit[] buildingSlopeHitUL;*
* RaycastHit[] buildingSlopeHitUR;*
* RaycastHit[] buildingSlopeHitDL;*
* RaycastHit[] buildingSlopeHitDR;*
* RaycastHit[] buildingSlopeHitM;*

* buildingSlopeHitUL = Physics.RaycastAll(new Vector3(*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.x - ghost.transform.localScale.x / 2,*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.y + (ghost.transform.localScale.y / 2),*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.z - ghost.transform.localScale.z / 2),*
* Vector3.down, Mathf.Infinity);*

* buildingSlopeHitUR = Physics.RaycastAll(new Vector3(*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.x + ghost.transform.localScale.x / 2,*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.y + (ghost.transform.localScale.y / 2),*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.z - ghost.transform.localScale.z / 2),*
* Vector3.down, Mathf.Infinity);*

* buildingSlopeHitDL = Physics.RaycastAll(new Vector3(*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.x - ghost.transform.localScale.x / 2,*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.y + (ghost.transform.localScale.y / 2),*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.z + ghost.transform.localScale.z / 2),*
* Vector3.down, Mathf.Infinity);*

* buildingSlopeHitDR = Physics.RaycastAll(new Vector3(*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.x + ghost.transform.localScale.x / 2,*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.y + (ghost.transform.localScale.y / 2),*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.z + ghost.transform.localScale.z / 2),*
* Vector3.down, Mathf.Infinity);*

* buildingSlopeHitM = Physics.RaycastAll(new Vector3(*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.x,*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.y + (ghost.transform.localScale.y / 2),*
* ghost.GetComponent().transform.position.z),*
* Vector3.down, Mathf.Infinity);*

* for (int i = 0; i < buildingSlopeHitM.Length; i++)*
* {*
_ if ((buildingSlopeHitUL*.collider.tag == TerrainCollisionTag) &&
(buildingSlopeHitUR.collider.tag == TerrainCollisionTag) &&
(buildingSlopeHitDL.collider.tag == TerrainCollisionTag) &&
(buildingSlopeHitDR.collider.tag == TerrainCollisionTag) &&
(buildingSlopeHitM.collider.tag == TerrainCollisionTag))
if ((buildingSlopeHitUL.distance <= maxSlopeHigh) &&
(buildingSlopeHitUR.distance <= maxSlopeHigh) &&
(buildingSlopeHitDL.distance <= maxSlopeHigh) &&
(buildingSlopeHitDR.distance <= maxSlopeHigh) &&
(buildingSlopeHitM.distance <= maxSlopeHigh))
return true;

* {
return false;

* {
return false;

* }*
* return false;*

* }*


The problem is in this line :

bl.buildingGameObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(Building[SelectedBuilding], 
                     new Vector3(hit*.point.x,* 

hit*.point.y + (Building[SelectedBuilding].transform.localScale.y / 2),*
Quaternion.identity means the objets is instantiated with it’s “original” orientation.
Try setting it to your ghost building’s rotation.
Quaternion myNewRot = ghost.transform.rotation;
and then intantiating :
bl.buildingGameObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(Building[SelectedBuilding],
new Vector3(hit*.point.x,*
hit*.point.y + (Building[SelectedBuilding].transform.localScale.y / 2),*