Instantiated enemy doesn't work.


I created an “Enemy” that has its current health displayed above its head via a 3D Text that is constantly updated. It loses health when the “Bullet” Object, which I tagged as, Bullet, collides with the “Enemy”. And it is constantly looking at me and moving towards me. When the distance between me and the “Enemy” is below 2 it decreses my own health.

I have the “Enemy” Object in my scene and made a function to spawn (Instantiate) another one by pressing a button.

I made sure that the script finds every GameObject var that it needs.

That’s it for the theoretical part… Now when I run my game everything doesn’t work how it should.

Everything works fine as long as I don’t spawn another “Enemy”.

When I spawn one, the Health won’t get displayed on the 3D Text of the “Enemy” I spawned, instead, when I shoot it it decreases the Health displayed on the original “Enemy”, and once it reaches 0 it destoyes the one I shot, and the original one has full health again.

After I destroyed these two “Enemys” and tried to spawn another one its health goes beyond 0 and I can’t destroy it. Same for every other spawned “Enemy” after I killed the first one.

And instantiated “Enemys” aren’t albe to cause my damage.

Here’s my script that is attached to the “Enemy”:

var EnemyHealth : float = 100;
var Enemy : GameObject;
var EnemyNameTag : GameObject;

//Kill Player Function Vars
var EnemyObj : GameObject;
var PlayerObj : GameObject;
var GunScriptContainer : GameObject;
var distance : float;

//Shooting function
var target : GameObject;

function Awake()
	Enemy = GameObject.Find("Enemy");
	EnemyNameTag = GameObject.Find("3DTextEnemy");
	GunScriptContainer = GameObject.Find("Glock");
	EnemyObj = GameObject.Find("Enemy");
	PlayerObj = GameObject.Find("First Person Controller");
	target = GameObject.Find("First Person Controller");
// Check if bullet hits enemy
function OnTriggerEnter(BulletCol : Collider)
	if (BulletCol.gameObject.CompareTag("Bullet"))
		EnemyHealth -= Random.Range(3, 50);
		Debug.Log("Enemy down");

//Update everything per frame
function Update()
//Update Enemy Health
function EnemyHealthNameController()
	EnemyNameTag.GetComponent(TextMesh).text = "Enemy: "+EnemyHealth;

//Enemy Health function
function EnemyHealthController()
	if (EnemyHealth <= 0)

//Shooting/Looking at Player function
function ShootAtPlayer()
	rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * 10);

//Player Distance Damage Function	
function PlayerDamageController()
	var distance = Vector3.Distance(EnemyObj.transform.position, PlayerObj.transform.position);
	if (distance <= 2)
		GunScriptContainer.GetComponent(GunScript).PlayerHealth -= Random.Range(5, 10);

Any ideas? This problem has been bothering me for 5 days now. And is keeping me from making any progress in my first game.

I also had a similar problem with my spawned enemies, what I did was to place my original enemy way beneath my map, so that I couldn’t kill it or anything, I did that with all of my enemies that needed to be spawned, so I started to spawn those instead of the GameObjects in my Project tab, and it works just fine. Hope this helps you, let me know :slight_smile: