Instantiated Prefab's script doesn't work

Didn’t anyone have this problem? Please help i moved to udk just because of this problem. But udk is really hard to understand for me.

I have a prefab and a script attached to it.
When i instantiate prefab in runtime with code the script doesn’t work properly.
But when i just put the prefab in the scene without code everything works fine.

Below script is attached to a cube that is where i want the prefab’s instantiate position

public static var notarray: Array;
var timearray: Array;
public static var i=0;

//i drag the prefab here in inspector view
var ob: Transform;

function Start () {
notarray=new Array();
timearray=new Array();


yield WaitForSeconds(timearray*);*



/// This question is edited because i understood there wont be any answers, maybe this time?

Maybe you just need to put those code in to a new function other than Update() and Start(), since it have “yield”;

Here what I do:
Make a script with a public variable :Transform;

Attach that script to any object in scene, Main camera for example.

Drag the prefab you want to instantiate to the variable.

Instantiate those prefab in that script.

function YourCode()
  Doing Stuff  

function Start(){

I solved the problem. I can’t tell how because i did a lot of things. Maybe later, i can explain it in here. So the others have this problem can solve it too…