Instantiated Prefab not moving along transform points

Hi guys. In my code below, i cant seem to get my Instantiated bolt(ball) to move along the transform corners. in the code it is supposed to move along all 4 corners and then move back to the first corner and on and on. If i place a bolt already in the scene it works correctly, it moves just like i want it to, but if i instantiate the bolt (as a prefab), it just stays still at the first corner(Index0.transform.position).any ideas?

private Transform corners;

private float moveSpeed;

private int cornerIndex;

public GameObject bolt;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Awake(){

void Start()
    Instantiate(bolt,corners[cornerIndex].transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
    cornerIndex = 0;
    bolt.transform.position = corners[cornerIndex].transform.position;


// Update is called once per frame
private void Update()
private void Move(){
    if(cornerIndex <= (corners.Length - 1)){
    bolt.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(bolt.transform.position,corners[cornerIndex].transform.position,
    moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
         if(bolt.transform.position == corners[cornerIndex].transform.position){
             cornerIndex += 1;
    if(cornerIndex == (corners.Length)){
      cornerIndex = 0;


Instantiate returns a gameObject that is now instanciated. Use that gameObject then to do the work on it.

GameObject boltInstance = Instantiate(bolt, corners[cornerIndex].transform.position,Quaternion.identity);

Then use this boltInstance to move it to corners.
Hope this helps.