Instantiated Prefabs Not Showing Up In Hierarchy

Greetings, I am working on a fighting game for a school project and I came across this weird error.

I have a system in place that lets players select characters and it stores that selection.
Ideally when they continue to the arena I would like it to spawn and instance of the character they chose (the characters are pre-made and stored as prefabs).

However, when I use: Instantiate(), nothing is spawning, period.
I’ve tried spawning just the prefab and I’ve tried assigning the prefab to a GameObject then spawning that. Nothing is showing up in the hierarchy when I spawn it. I’ve tried printing out locations, and changing the scale (maybe it was too small to see).
Nothing has worked.

Ideally I would like assigning it to a GameObjec then spawning that GameObject to work so I can reference the character after they spawn to move them and what not, but if not, no big deal.

Attached you will find pictures of the code and an example run. (code is in c# and im running unity 4.6.x)

Thanks in advance!!

Found the issue, not sure why but:
These two ways are working (prefab is a GameObject defined elsewhere).

Player1 = Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject;
Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject;

For some reason the prototype:

Instantiate(prefabName, position, rotation);

Was not working.

Got the same problem but for some reason, your solution didn’t work for me. I found something that worked here: My player object is getting clone which doesn't show up in inspector - Unity Answers

GameObject InstantiatedPrefab = Instantiate (prefab) as GameObject;
UnityEditor.Selection.activeObject = InstantiatedPrefab;

It worked even using (prefab, position, rotation) properties.