Instantiating a GameObject from scene that changes

So I’m currently trying to instantiate a game object in a scene every few seconds, and that object is constantly changing. I tried linking it as a public variable to the script, but I keep getting null reference exceptions. any idea why this code is unable to spawn the GameObject wall?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class BPMController : MonoBehaviour {
	public int bpm;
	public GameObject wall;
	public GameObject floor;
	bool wait = false;
	int spawnCounter = 0;
	public int spawnInterval = 4;

	//find the wall in the scene
	void Start () {
		wall = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("wall");

	void Update () {

		//if coroutine isnt running start it
		if (!wait) 
			wait = true;
		//if interval count is reached, spawn wall
		if(spawnCounter >= spawnInterval)
			spawnCounter = 0;

	//coroutine to wait a set time and increment counter
	IEnumerator waitCoRoutine(){
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(bpm/60);
		wait = false;

	void spawnWall(){
		//create cloneObject to manipulate
		GameObject wallClone = null;
		//instantiate wallCone as a clone of wall
		wallClone = Instantiate (wall, wall.transform.position, wallClone.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
		//set wallcone as a child of floor;
		wallClone.transform.parent = floor.transform;

In the line

wallClone = Instantiate (wall, wall.transform.position, wallClone.transform.rotation) as GameObject;

you have wallClone.transform.rotation before you have wallClone assigned. I’m guessing this is where your null exception happens, since you didn’t specify the exact line.

If it’s not, then either your public GameObject wall; is getting destroyed at some point or your wall = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("wall"); has failed to find it to begin with.