Instantiating a prefab and some of the scripts are not working that are attached

I am trying to instantiate a prefab after a timer to create a wave spawning system for enemies. The problem is when I instantiate the prefab the enemy stats script works fine on it but then enemy AI script doesn’t work and the prefabs sit there doing nothing.
I looked up the issue and got a lot of people points towards using a prefab manager but I added one and the problem still persists.

void SpawnEnemy (Transform _enemy)
    Debug.Log("Spawing enemy: " +;

    Transform _sp = spawnpoints[Random.Range(0, spawnpoints.Length)];
    Instantiate(PrefabManager.Instance.EnemyPrefab, _sp.position, _sp.rotation);

This is the code I’m using for spawning the enemy is there a better way of doing it that I’m mission out on?

Have you tried recreating the prefab? Did you happen to modify a game object in your scene that was created from the prefab but the modifications were never applied? After instantiating the prefab, is it enabled? After instantiating the prefab, is the AI script active? Is the AI script active on the prefab itself?