Hey guys, Take this how you will, but I’m making a game that concludes of Marijuana Growth, i have everything working to a standard, from adding the soil to planting the seed, and even the tree growth, and the ability to harvest it once grown, but what i want, is when i harvest the plant, it spawns new objects (More seeds to plant (X2 to be exact so the growth doubles)) and a Block of Marijuana that is Sell-able, i have both the Prefabs for the Seeds and the Block, i have somewhat of an idea how to Instantiate Objects, i also have a current object in the game called HarvestSpawn (which is just a box collider that i hope to use as the spawn position for the items harvested, but they spawn at the very corner of the map in the edge of the game canvas… Eg. 0 x 0 x 0 on the worlds map, Whereas my HarvestSpawn Object location is 114 x 80 x 373 which is where i would like my Harvested Objects to spawn, i also have a Parent that i would like these Instantiated objects to go, under the ‘iObjects’ GameObject in the main hierarchy, this is what i use for all my ‘Intractable Objects’… i have provided a short video, to better help for a solution to this issue I’m having, as i see a lot of people asking these questions and never getting the questions answered…
Any help will be greatly appreciated, the main thing I’m trying to achieve here is, with my harvest script, is there a way to use a current gameobject as a guide for the location for the Instantiating Objects?
So when i harvest the plant, I’d wish for the 2 seeds and a block, spawn right where the plant was before harvested.