Instantiating Multiple GameObjects

I am currently working at a card game and I have a very awkward problem. I am Instantiating multiple GameObjects:

for (int i = 0; i < numEnemy; i++)
                CurrEnemy *= new Enemy();*

CurrEnemy = Storage.EnemyTypes[Storage.en[x].enemies*];*
CurrEnemy*.copy = (GameObject)Instantiate(enemyEmpty, Spawn.transform);*
CurrEnemy_.copy.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent().sprite = CurrEnemy*.imagine;_
_CurrEnemy.copy.transform.tag = “” + i;_
But when I try to change the outline of them in this function:
public static void outline(float d)
for(int i = 0; i<numEnemy; i++)

_CurrEnemy.copy.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent().effectColor = new Color(0.98f, 1f, 0f, d);_
_CurrEnemy.copy.GetComponent().interactable = (d==1 ? true : false);

Only one GameObject changes. I’ve also tried using copy.SetActive(false) but there was still only one Object disappearing.
Thanks in advance!_

im just guessing here but try to see what happens if:
public static void outline(float d)

is NOT static

I have noticed that if i delete this line

CurrEnemy _= Storage.EnemyTypes[Storage.en[x].enemies*];*_

everything works just fine but my class doesn’t get the other variables in it updated.
Why is it that it doesn’t work?

imagenes tristes de mujeres

La gente vive creyendo que se debe ser feliz todo el tiempo. Todos hacen público sus momentos felices, pero nadie habla de los momentos tristes. Sin pensar que la tristeza también es un sentimiento que se debe compartir. Bien sabrás que una imagen vale más